Spring Retreat - 2020
Was held SATURDAY 29 FEBRUARY 2020
Workshop Descriptions & Downloadable Materials
Teaching (with) bandes dessinées
Dr. Cynthia Laborde (UTA) shared how she uses BD in the classroom - modifiable for a quick activity or an entire course and anything in between. She has shared her resources with retreat attendees via email; if you have questions or did not receive your email, you can contact her through her UTA contact information or email Committee@AATFNorthTexas.org and we will forward your email to her.
Using Art in the language curriculum
Or: Make more out of your museum visit
Shellye Tow (UNT) shared with us her passion for Impressionism - and how to integrate it into a French classroom or museum trip. We learned how to talk about art, how to view art, which works we can find locally, and many ways to adapt art to fit almost any lesson or occasion. She has shared her PowerPoint which includes many resources for your classroom or your own enjoyment of impressionism - her speaker’s notes are included!
Impressionism Workshop (PDF version, no notes)
Google Doc Share Link : PowerPoint
Making Musique Mercredi Work For You
Ashli Sambaluk (Argyle High School) shared how she regularly uses music in her classroom and how she integrates it into many different kinds of activities. She has shared her PowerPoint and two sample activities - free for you, but normally found on her Teachers Pay Teachers page !!
Making Musique Mercredi Work for You (PDF version of PowerPoint)
Google Doc Share Link : PowerPoint
Ideas and Shares Inspired by the Retreat
https://fle.mondolinguo.com/cadavre-exquis-bd/ —Cynthia
https://youtu.be/ONS9VjTvNFs L'année de la BD, 7jours sur la planète. Video interview w/ author. —Melanie
An idea for a theme of one of our retreats: The role of play/playfulness in education —Marvin